Page 125 - 《广西植物》2023年第12期
P. 125

12 期                 彭颖等: 八棱海棠种子超低温保存中含水量对糖代谢的影响                                          2 2 9 1

                 Abstract: Water content is a key factor influencing the seed cryopreservationꎬ but its effecting mechanism is not fully
                 understood. In order to explore the effect and way of water content on the viability of seed cryopreservation on viabilityꎬ
                 Malus × robusta seeds with different water contents were obtained by silica gel. The seed viabilityꎬ sugar content and
                 related enzyme indexes before and after cryopreservation were measured and correlation analysis were done. The results
                 were as follows: (1) After 15 days of cryopreservationꎬ the viability of seeds with different water contents was differentꎬ
                 and the viability of seeds showed a trend of increasing and then decreasing as the water content of seeds decreasedꎬ and
                 the seeds with 9.02% water content had the highest germination rateꎬ at 53.33%. But after 120 days of cryopreservationꎬ
                 the viability of seeds increased as the water content decreasedꎬ and the seeds with 6.40% water content got the highest
                 germination rateꎬ at 27.78%. This indicates that the water content of Malus × robusta seeds has a significant effect on the
                 viability after cryopreservation. It is affected by the storage time in liquid nitrogenꎬ and the optimum water content
                 decreases as the storage time extended in liquid nitrogen. (2) Correlation analysis showed that there was a significant
                 negative correlation between water content and viability (r = - 0.82). There was significant negative correlation with
                 fructose and sucrose contentꎬ acid invertaseꎬ fructokinaseꎬ while seed germination rate was significantly positive
                 correlation with these indexesꎬ suggesting that water content affects the contents of sucrose and fructose through effecting
                 the activity of acid converting enzymesꎬ which in turn affects sucrose metabolism to respond to low temperature and
                 dehydration stressꎬ ultimately leading to differences in viability. The seed viability was also affected by fructose
                 metabolism through fructose kinase. Besidesꎬ alginate was one of the important regulatory substances of Malus × robusta
                 seed in response to water and low temperature stresses. In summaryꎬ water content has a significant effect on the viability
                 of Malus × robusta seeds cryopreservation through the combined effects of sucrose and fructose metabolism. This study
                 provides a theoretical reference to further explore the cryopreservation mechanism of seed.
                 Key words: Malus × robustaꎬ seed cryopreservationꎬ water contentꎬ sugar metabolismꎬ enzyme of metabolism

                八 棱 海 棠 ( Malus × robusta) 隶 属 于 蔷 薇 科         伤ꎬ快速冷冻会引起细胞发生冰晶损伤( Mazur et

            ( Rosaceae) 苹 果 属 ( Malus) ( 陆 秋 农 和 贾 定 贤ꎬ        al.ꎬ 1972)ꎮ 近年来研究也显示ꎬROS 介导的氧化
            1999) ꎬ是重要的种质资源ꎬ其适应性和抗逆性均                          应激可能是含水量变化导致种子超低温保存活力
            较强ꎬ既是优秀的观赏海棠ꎬ也是一种优良的苹                              降低的损伤机制之一(曹柏ꎬ 2016ꎻ 李萍ꎬ 2018)ꎮ

            果砧木( 河 北 省 农 林 科 学 院 昌 黎 果 树 研 究 所ꎬ                    研究表明ꎬ在特定的逆境条件下ꎬ糖在压力感
            1986) ꎬ主要通过播种提供砧木苗ꎬ因此ꎬ其种子                          知、信号传递和胁迫介导的基因表达中发挥着关
            资源保存具有重要意义ꎮ 超低温保存是种质永                              键作用ꎬ确保渗透调节反应、清除 ROSꎬ并通过碳
            久保存最有潜力的技术ꎬ具有环保、方便、节约成                             分配维持细胞能量状态(Saddhe et al.ꎬ 2021)ꎮ 其
            本等诸多优点ꎬ受到广泛关注ꎮ 目前ꎬ仅见八棱                             中ꎬ糖含量与相关酶活性是较为敏感的指标ꎬ易受
            海棠在低温( - 35 ~ 5 ℃ ) 贮藏的报道ꎬ瓶装密封                     环境因素 的 影 响ꎬ 并 对 胁 迫 做 出 反 应 ( 方 诗 雯ꎬ

            在 0 ~ 5 ℃ 冰 箱 冷 藏 保 存 效 果 较 好 ( 何 建 斌 等ꎬ           2018)ꎮ 不同含水量种子超低温保存中面临低温
            2022) ꎮ 因此研究八棱海棠种子的超低温保存ꎬ                          和脱水双重胁迫ꎬ而含水量是否会通过影响糖代
            实现其 种 质 资 源 的 永 久 保 存 具 有 重 要 的 应 用                谢进 而 影 响 超 低 温 保 存 后 种 子 的 萌 发 尚 未 见
            价值ꎮ                                                报道ꎮ
                 含水量是影响种子生活 力 的 关 键 因 素 之 一                        本文以八棱海棠种子为材料ꎬ通过研究超低
            (Chmielarzꎬ 2009ꎻ Wen et al.ꎬ 2009)ꎬ大量研究表          温保存的适宜含水量ꎬ探究不同含水量种子超低
            明ꎬ超低温保存后ꎬ只有在适宜的种子含水量时才                             温保存效果差异的生理基础ꎬ拟探讨以下问题:
            能获得较高的萌发率( Generoso et al.ꎬ 2019ꎻ 张晓               (1)含水量是否会影响八棱海棠种子超低温保存
            宁等ꎬ 2020)ꎬ但其作用机制尚不完全清楚ꎬ一般                          后的生活力ꎻ(2)含水量影响超低温保存生活力的
            认为含水量变化与细胞低温损伤“两因素假说” 相                            作用机制ꎮ 本研究为进一步提高种子超低温保存
            关ꎬ即慢速冷冻会引起细胞逐渐脱水ꎬ发生溶质损                             后的生活力提供依据ꎮ
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