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Guihaia Jul. 2023ꎬ 43(7): 1326-1334
DOI: 10.11931/ guihaia.gxzw202202049
刘海燕ꎬ 陆建农ꎬ 殷学贵ꎬ 等ꎬ 2023. 蓖麻根腐病抗性鉴定及其 SSR 标记的初步建立 [J]. 广西植物ꎬ 43(7): 1326-1334.
LIU HYꎬ LU JNꎬ YIN XGꎬ et al.ꎬ 2023. Identification of resistance to root rot and preliminary establishment of its SSR markers
in castor bean [J]. Guihaiaꎬ 43(7): 1326-1334.
蓖麻根腐病抗性鉴定及其 SSR 标记的初步建立
刘海燕ꎬ 陆建农ꎬ 殷学贵 ꎬ 顾帅磊ꎬ 谢 钰ꎬ 张柳琴ꎬ
黄冠荣ꎬ 刘朝裕ꎬ 张肖肖ꎬ 左金鹰
( 广东海洋大学 滨海农业学院ꎬ 广东 湛江 524088 )
摘 要: 蓖麻根腐病是茄腐镰孢菌(Fusarium solani)引起的根部病害ꎬ严重影响蓖麻产量ꎮ 抗源缺乏制约了
抗病品种的选育ꎮ 为寻找抗病种质、建立抗性分子标记ꎬ该研究对 252 份蓖麻材料的抗性进行了表型和分
子标记鉴定ꎮ 结果表明:(1)浓度为 1×10 个mL 的孢子悬浮液灌根是一种有效的接种方法ꎻ以接种后枯
萎天数为基础的 5 级评价法ꎬ可作为鉴定标准ꎮ (2)鉴定出 130 份抗病材料ꎬ其中高抗为 105 份ꎮ (3) 野生
用作为今后抗病育种的重要方向ꎮ (4)初步建立了 8 个与抗性关联的 SSR 标记ꎮ 该研究结果提供了有效的
择的 SSR 标记ꎬ为蓖麻抗根腐病育种奠定了重要基础ꎮ
关键词: 蓖麻ꎬ 根腐病ꎬ 抗病性鉴定ꎬ 茄腐镰孢菌ꎬ 孢子悬浮液ꎬ SSR
中图分类号: Q943ꎻ S43 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000 ̄3142(2023)07 ̄1326 ̄09
Identification of resistance to root rot and preliminary
establishment of its SSR markers in castor bean
LIU Haiyanꎬ LU Jiannongꎬ YIN Xuegui ꎬ GU Shuaileiꎬ XIE Yuꎬ ZHANG Liuqinꎬ
HUANG Guanrongꎬ LIU Chaoyuꎬ ZHANG Xiaoxiaoꎬ ZUO Jinying
( College of Coastal Agricultural Sciencesꎬ Guangdong Ocean Universityꎬ Zhanjiang 524088ꎬ Guangdongꎬ China )
Abstract: Castor bean root rot is a root disease caused by Fusarium solaniꎬ which seriously threatens the production of
castor bean. Due to the lack of resistance genesꎬ the breeding for root rot resistance in castor bean is seriously
restricted. In order to mine resistant resources and establish resistant molecular markersꎬ the phenotypic and molecular
marker identification was performed on the disease resistance of 252 castor bean accessions in this study. The results were
6  ̄1
as follows: ( 1) Irrigating roots with the conidia suspension of 1 × 10 spores mL was an effective inoculation
method. The 5 ̄grade evaluation method based on the days of wilt after inoculation could be used as the criteria to
收稿日期: 2022-05-17
基金项目: 广东省科技计划项目(2014A020208116ꎬ2016A020208015)ꎮ
第一作者: 刘海燕(1996-)ꎬ硕士研究生ꎬ研究方向为作物遗传育种ꎬ(E ̄mail)lhylau@ 163.comꎮ
通信作者: 殷学贵ꎬ博士ꎬ教授ꎬ硕士研究生导师ꎬ研究方向为蓖麻种质资源与遗传育种ꎬ(E ̄mail)yinxuegui@ 126.comꎮ