Page 138 - 《广西植物》2024年第7期
P. 138
1 3 3 8 广 西 植 物 44 卷
Abstract: To gain a comprehensive understanding of the metabolite differences and metabolic pathways involved in the
mycelium of Grifola frondosa during various culture periodsꎬ this study employed HPLC ̄MS/ MS analysis to thoroughly
investigate the mycelium cultured for 10ꎬ 20ꎬ 30 d. The results were as follows: (1) We identified a total of 584
metabolites belonging to 42 different categories. Notablyꎬ among these metabolitesꎬ 159ꎬ 47ꎬ and 165 metabolites
exhibited distinct accumulation patterns in the control comparison groups of 10 d vs 20 dꎬ 20 d vs 30 dꎬ and 10 d vs 30
dꎬ respectively. This significant variation in metabolite composition across different culture periods suggested that the
metabolic activities of the mycelium were dynamically changing as it grew. (2) During the early stage of culturing (10
d)ꎬ the mycelium produced a higher concentration of metabolites related to promoting its growth and oxidative energy
supply. As the culture progressed to 20 dꎬ the mycelium began to produce or accumulate various secondary metabolites
that were beneficial to humans. These included compounds like oleuropeinꎬ glycyrrhetic acidꎬ N ̄methyltyramineꎬ and
alprazolamꎬ which were known for their biological activities and potential in health benefits. As the culture progressed to
30 dꎬ the mycelium contained multiple compounds were associated with aroma production. (3) To further understand the
underlying metabolic processesꎬ we conducted KEGG metabolic pathway enrichment analysis. This analysis revealed that
the comparison groups of 10 d vs 20 dꎬ 20 d vs 30 dꎬ and 10 d vs 30 d were enriched in 163ꎬ 81ꎬ and 137 metabolic
pathwaysꎬ respectively. Among theseꎬ amino acid metabolism emerged as the most significantly influenced pathway in
different culture periodsꎬ and this finding underscored the importance of amino acid metabolism in driving the metabolic
activities of the mycelium during its growth cycle. In conclusionꎬ this study initially explores the differential metabolites
and metabolic pathways of the mycelium of G. frondosaꎬ and finds that there are significant differences in the metabolites
of the mycelium of G. frondosa in different culture periodsꎬ and that the contents of some components in the mycelium is
related to the culture timeꎬ which has a certain reference value for the quality control and mechanism research of the
mycelium of G. frondosa.
Key words: mycelium of Grifola frondosaꎬ culture timeꎬ metaboliteꎬ metabolic pathwayꎬ HPLC ̄MS/ MS
灰树花( Grifola frondosa)ꎬ又名贝叶多孔菌、 2017)ꎬ可替代子实体作为产品原料ꎮ 目前ꎬ国内
舞 茸、 栗 茹、 栗 蘑、 云 蕈ꎬ 隶 属 于 蘑 菇 纲 对灰树花菌丝体的研究主要集中在不同发酵液成
(Agaricomycetes)ꎬ多孔菌目( Polyporales)ꎬ灰树花 分对菌丝体生长的影响(钟敏ꎬ2018)、活性成分提
孔菌科( Grifolaceae)ꎬ树花孔菌属( Grifola)ꎮ 最新 取工艺优化(黄忠等ꎬ2016ꎻ钟敏等ꎬ2017)、转录组
研究的观点(谢雪娇等ꎬ2024)ꎬ产自中国的灰树花 差异表达(王伟科等ꎬ2016)等方面ꎬ关于灰树花菌
学名为灰树花( Grifola albicans f. huishuhua)ꎮ 灰 丝体生长过程中代谢物途径的研究尚未见相关报
树花子实体肉质、脆嫩ꎬ呈珊瑚状分枝ꎬ多生长在 道ꎮ 代谢物是菌丝体药理活性的物质基础ꎬ同时
阔叶树的树桩或树干周围ꎮ 灰树花中含有丰富的 不同发育阶段差异代谢物种类和表达在不断变
天然活性成分ꎬ如多糖(糖蛋白)、核苷类、多酚、氨 化ꎬ厘清灰树花菌丝体在不同培养时间代谢物的
基酸等活性物质ꎬ其中灰树花多糖的药理活性研 变化 将 有 利 于 活 性 物 质 的 适 时 采 收 和 菌 种 的
究较为深入( 赵小坤等ꎬ2023)ꎮ 灰树花具有抗肿 维护ꎮ
瘤(Adachi et al.ꎬ 1987)、诱导干扰素合成(熊雯宇 代谢组学是一种研究微生物代谢产物差异及
等ꎬ2022)、改善人体免疫功能(张婷ꎬ2021)及抗病 代谢机理的重要方法ꎬ同时ꎬ因其具有灵敏度高、
毒(肖建勇等ꎬ2022)等多种药理作用ꎮ 此外ꎬ灰树 精密度好等特点ꎬ而在大型真菌领域越来越受重
花营养丰富、味道鲜美ꎬ野生灰树花在很久以前就 视(郑焕等ꎬ2023)ꎮ 代谢组学研究方法在大型真
被采撷食用(徐铮奎ꎬ2010)ꎬ现作为一种药食两用 菌中的应用ꎬ主要集中在研究大型真菌在不同生
真菌ꎬ深受人们喜爱ꎬ被称为“食用菌之王”( Chenꎬ 长时期或受到某种刺激前后所有小分子代谢产物
2015)ꎮ 的相应变化ꎬ进而揭示多种大型真菌的代谢规律
灰树花深层发酵菌丝体具有与子实体相近的 (Zhang et al.ꎬ 2019ꎻLi et al.ꎬ 2019ꎻWangsawat et
营养组成( 周昌艳等ꎬ2001) 和药理作用( 张医芝ꎬ al.ꎬ 2021)ꎮ Sato 等(2017) 对不同木屑培养基中