Page 138 - 《广西植物》2020年第2期
P. 138
2 期 牟凤娟等: 大叶九里香ꎬ芸香科新等级组合及生物学特征补述 2 7 5
A-M. Murraya macrophylla (A. Plant and habitatꎻ Bꎬ C. Branch and stemꎻ Dꎬ E. Leafletꎻ F. Inflorescenceꎻ Gꎬ J. Flowerꎻ Kꎬ L. Fruitsꎻ
M. Seeds )ꎻ N-U. M. kwangsiensis (N. Plant and habitatꎻ O. Leafletꎻ Pꎬ Q. Inflorescenceꎻ R-S. Flowerꎻ Tꎬ U. Fruits).
Plate I Morphology of Murraya macrophylla and M. kwangsiensis
Vietnam on leaf morphological characteristicsꎬ but dif ̄
ferent in having less oil glands in the mesophyllꎬ 3 Discussion and Conclusion
smaller cymeꎬ less flowers and fruits. In a wordꎬ the
taxon should be a species instead of a variety of Since publishedꎬ Murraya macrophylla is always
M. kwangsiensis and placed under sect. Bergera based treated as a variety of M. kwangsiensis ( Huangꎬ
on the morphology. 1978ꎬ 1997ꎻ Zhang et al.ꎬ 2010). According to the