Page 142 - 《广西植物》2020年第2期
P. 142

2 期                          贾泽峰等: 中国地衣新记录属———裂孔衣属                                         2 7 9

    Aꎬ B. Thallus (Scales = 1 mm)ꎻ C. Asci with ascospores (Scale = 50 μm)ꎻ Dꎬ E. Asci with ascospores (Scale = 20 μm).
                        Fig. 1  Schizotrema guadeloupense (specimen: Z. F. Jia 11-488).

   ellipsoid to fusiformꎬ with rounded to subacute endsꎬ hya ̄  was previously reported from the Antilles (Guadeloupe)ꎬ
   line to brownish at late maturityꎬ non ̄amyloidꎬ 40 - 70  Argentinaꎬ Australia ( including Tasmania)ꎬ and New
   μm × 15-20 μmꎬ locules rounded to angularꎻ ascospore  Zealand (Mangold et al.ꎬ 2009ꎻ Lumbsch et al.ꎬ 2010)ꎬ
   wall thinꎬ non ̄halonateꎬ I-.                      and is new to China and to both continental and tropical
       Chemistry: Stictic acid (major) and constictic acid  Asia.
   (minor).                                              Specimens examined: China. Yunnan  Gejiu Cityꎬ
       Notes: Schizotrema guadeloupense is similar to  Manhao Townꎬ Malongdiꎬ 1 280 mꎬ 23 November 2011ꎬ
   S. schizolomum (Müll. Arg.) Mangold & Lumbschꎬ but  Z. F. Jia 11 ̄488ꎬ 11 ̄493 (LCU).
   the latter species has larger ascospores (60-180 μm ×  Notes on other five species of Schizotrema in
   20-40 μm) and produces salazinic acid. S. cryptotrema  the world
   (Nyl.) Rivas Plata & Mangold is also somewhat similarꎬ  Schizotrema cryptotrema ( Nyl.) Rivas Plata &
   but differs in the rather cryptic ascomata and the psoromic  Mangoldꎬ in Rivas Plataꎬ Lückingꎬ Sipmanꎬ Mangoldꎬ
   acid chemistry.                                   Kalb & Lumbschꎬ Lichenologist 42 (2): 184 (2010).
       Ecology and Distribution: In Chinaꎬ the species  —Thelotrema cryptotrema Nyl.ꎬ Annls Sci. Nat.ꎬ Bot.ꎬ
   grows on barkꎬ known from tropical primeval forest of  sér. 57: 319 (1867).
   Mountain Daweishan in Yunnan Provinceꎬ Southwest      Schizotrema cryptotrema is characterized by ascomata
   China. Associated lichens include species of Graphis. It  morphological  crypticꎬ  with  indistinctly  layeredꎻ
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