Page 139 - 《广西植物》2020年第2期
P. 139

2 7 6                                  广  西  植  物                                         40 卷
   studies of specimens and field researchꎬ it is found  logy and is more close to other species from Vietnamꎬ
   that the rootsꎬ stems and mature branches of M. mac ̄  namely M. glabra and M. stenocarpa instead of
   rophylla are gray ̄brown instead of gray ̄whiteꎬ the  M. kwangsiensisꎬ based on phylogeny of the genus
   same as these of M. kwangsiensisꎬ which is so     Murraya from ITS and six cpDNA sequences (unpub ̄
   different from description of Zou et al. (1997ꎬ 1999)  lished  data ).  All  evidences  suggest  that  M.
   and means that the taxon should be included into  macrophylla should be separated from M. kwangsiensis
   sect. Bergera instead of sect. Murraya. The species is  as an independent speciesꎬ which is consistent with
   more similar to M. glabra in the light of leaf morpho ̄  opinion of Zou et al. (1997ꎬ 1999).

                               Key of four relative species of Murraya
   1. Pinnately compound leaves.
    2. Leaflets surface smoothꎻ inflorescences pubescentꎻ calyx 5 ̄connate   Murraya kwangsiensis
    2. Leaflets surface unevenꎻ inflorescences glabrousꎻ calyx 4 ̄connate.
     3. Inflorescences terminal and lateralꎻ petals 4ꎻ stamens 8ꎻ stigma slightly swollenꎬ yellow   M. glabra
     3. Inflorescences terminalꎻ petals 5ꎻ stamens 10ꎻ stigma indistinct   M. macrophylla
   1. Unifoliate compound leaves   M. stenocarpa

       Acknowledgements   All authors thanks for the    VI et specierum editionis Ⅱ [ M ]. Holmiae: Impensis
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