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                 Guihaia  Feb. 2020ꎬ 40(2): 277-281

   DOI: 10.11931/ guihaia.gxzw201811015
   贾泽峰ꎬ Robert LÜCKING. 中国地衣新记录属———裂孔衣属 [J]. 广西植物ꎬ 2020ꎬ 40(2): 277-281.
   JIA ZFꎬ Robert LÜCKING. A genus Schizotrema (Graphidaceae) new to Chinaꎬ with a world ̄wide key [J]. Guihaiaꎬ 2020ꎬ 40(2): 277-281.

              A genus Schizotrema (Graphidaceae) new to

                          Chinaꎬ with a world ̄wide key

                                             1∗                     2
                                 JIA Zefeng ꎬ Robert LÜCKING
             ( 1. College of Life Sciencesꎬ Liaocheng Universityꎬ Liaocheng 252059ꎬ Shandongꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. Botanical Garden and
                            Botanical Museumꎬ Freie Universität Berlinꎬ Berlin 14195ꎬ Germany )
       Abstract: Based on the specimens collected from Yunnan Provinceꎬ the lichen genus Schizotrema Mangold & Lumbsch is
       reported as new to Chinaꎬ with the species Schizotrema guadeloupense (Hale) Mangold & Lumbsch. Among Graphidaceaeꎬ
       the genus is characterized by its ascomata with concentrically layered margins composed of carbonized excipular remnants of
       older hymeniaꎻ the proper exciple is fused to indistinctly freeꎬ periphysoids are usually presentꎬ and the ascospores are
       transversely septate to muriform. The species S. guadeloupense is also new to Asia. In additionꎬ notes of other five species in
       the genus are also givenꎬ with ecology and distributionꎬ and world ̄wide key to species of Schizotrema is described in the
       present paper. All these results provide basic data information for the taxonomy of the family Graphidaceae.
       Key words: taxonomyꎬ lichenized fungiꎬ Ostropalesꎬ new record
       CLC number: Q949    Document code: A
       Article ID: 1000 ̄3142(2020)02 ̄0277 ̄05                  Open Science Identity(OSID):


                                           1∗                      2
                                  贾泽峰 ꎬ Robert LÜCKING
       ( 1. 聊城大学 生命科学学院ꎬ 聊城 252059ꎬ 山东ꎬ 中国ꎻ 2. 柏林自由大学 植物园和植物博物馆ꎬ 柏林 14195ꎬ 德国 )
       摘  要: 该文报道了中国文字衣科地衣一新记录属———裂孔衣属( Schizotrema Mangold & Lumbsch) 及其 1
       个新记录种ꎬ即瓜岛裂孔衣 [Schizotrema guadeloupense (Hale) Mangold & Lumbsch]ꎬ标本来自云南ꎮ 该属主
       不明显ꎬ具侧生侧丝ꎬ子囊孢子横隔透镜或砖壁型ꎮ 瓜岛裂孔衣也是亚洲新记录种ꎮ 此外ꎬ该文还对裂孔衣
       属其他 5 种的生态分布特征进行了描述ꎬ并提供了该属世界范围检索表ꎮ 以上结果为文字衣科地衣的分类
       关键词: 分类学ꎬ 地衣型真菌ꎬ 厚顶盘目ꎬ 新记录

         The genus Schizotrema Mangold & Lumbsch     comprises six species in thelotremoid ̄Graphidaceae
   belonging to Graphidaceaeꎬ Ostropales Ostropomycetidaeꎬ  (Kalbꎬ 2009ꎻ Mangold et al.ꎬ 2009ꎻ Lumbsch et al.ꎬ
   Lecanoromycetesꎬ Pezizomycotinaꎬ Ascomycotaꎬ only  2010ꎻ Rivas Plata et al.ꎬ 2010ꎬ 2012ꎬ 2013ꎻ Lücking et

    收稿日期: 2019-02-24
    基金项 目: 国 家 自 然 科 学 基 金 (31750001ꎬ 31270066) [ Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31750001ꎬ
    作者简介: 贾泽峰(1970-)ꎬ男ꎬ山东聊城人ꎬ博士ꎬ教授ꎬ主要从事地衣生物学研究ꎬ(E ̄mail)zfjia2008@ 163.comꎮ
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