Page 108 - 《广西植物》2023年第1期
P. 108

1 0 4                                  广  西  植  物                                         43 卷
                  ( 1. College of Chemistry and Bioengineeringꎬ Guilin University of Technologyꎬ Guilin 541006ꎬ Guangxiꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. Guangxi Key
                     Laboratory of Plant Functional Phytochemicals and Sustainable Utilizationꎬ Guangxi Institute of Botanyꎬ Guangxi Zhuang
                               Autonomous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Guilin 541006ꎬ Guangxiꎬ China )

                 Abstract: Stephania kwangsiensisꎬ a vine plant of the Stephaniaceae familyꎬ is mainly spread in Guangxiꎬ China. The
                 medicinal part (root tuber) of S. kwangsiensisꎬ “Jin Bu Huan” in Chineseꎬ is often used for sedativeꎬ insecticidalꎬ anti
                 inflammatoryꎬ anti ̄tumorꎬ antiviral and antibacterialꎬ as well as for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. In order to
                 make full use of the plant resourcesꎬ clarify its chemical constituentsꎬ and find the relevant active compoundsꎬ the
                 methanol extracts of non ̄medicinal parts of this plant were isolated using various chromatographic methods such as
                 positive phase Sephadex LH ̄20ꎬ positive phase silica gelꎬ positive phase polyamideꎬ and MCI gel CHP ̄20P. The
                                                                      1        13
                 structures of the isolated monomer compounds were determined by MSꎬ H ̄NMRꎬ  C ̄NMRꎬ and other spectral data
                 analysisꎬ as well as comparison with relevant literatures. The activities of the isolated compounds from S. kwangsiensis
                 against bacteria ( Escherichia coliꎬ Staphylococcus aureusꎬ Bacillus subtilis) and fungi ( Fusarium oxysporum) were
                 evaluated using filter paper method. The results were as follows: (1) A total of 10 compounds obtained from the non ̄
                 medicinal parts of this plant were identified as vomifoliol (1)ꎬ grasshopper ketone (2)ꎬ isocorydine(3)ꎬ2 ̄O ̄β ̄D ̄
                 glucopyranosyl ̄D ̄arabinitol(4)ꎬ(9Sꎬ12Sꎬ13S) ̄trihydroxyoctadeca ̄(10Eꎬ15Z) ̄dienoic acid (5)ꎬ magnoflorine (6)ꎬ
                 corchoionoside C (7)ꎬ tormentic acid (8)ꎬ corydine (9) and crebanine (10). Among themꎬ compounds 1ꎬ 2ꎬ 4ꎬ 5ꎬ 6ꎬ
                 7 and 8 were isolated from this plant for the first timeꎬ compounds 1ꎬ 2ꎬ 4ꎬ 5ꎬ 7 and 8 were firstly obtained from this
                 genus plantsꎬ and Compound 4 was found from natural products for the first time. (2) At concentration of 6 mgmL ꎬ
                 compounds 1ꎬ 2 and 5 showed weak antibacterial activities against Escherichia coliꎻ Compound 2 exhibited weak
                 antibacterial activities against Staphylococcus aureusꎻ compounds 3 and 8 displayed weak antibacterial activities against
                 Bacillus subtilis. In conclusionꎬ the non ̄medicinal parts of Stephania kwangsiensis contain large numbers of active
                 components and have the potential of development and utilization.
                 Key words: Stephania kwangsiensisꎬ chemical constituentesꎬ structural identificationꎬ alkaloidꎬ antibacterial activity

                广西地不容( Stephania kwangsiensis) 属于防己                广西地不容植物富含生物碱ꎬ由于该类成分在
            科( Menispermaceae) 千金藤属( Stephania) 多年生            分离纯化过程中极易被柱材料吸附ꎬ从而导致拖尾
            草质落叶藤本植物ꎬ长超过 3 mꎬ块根通常扁球形ꎬ                          严重、收率低ꎬ因此生物碱的分离一直是天然产物
            叶互生、纸质ꎬ叶柄于叶基部 1 ~ 1.5 cm 处盾状着                      研究领域的一个热点和难点问题ꎮ 本研究以广西
            生、长 4 ~ 9 cmꎬ叶片三角状圆形至近圆形ꎬ主产于                       地不容非药用部位(茎、叶) 为对象ꎬ依托现代先进
            我国广西西北部至西南部ꎬ生于石灰岩地区的山                              的仪器设备ꎬ采用 Sephadex LH ̄20、碱化硅胶、聚酰
            地灌丛( 中国科学院中国植物志委员会ꎬ1996)ꎮ                          胺、MCI gel CHP ̄20P 等多种柱色谱法和现代波谱
            防己科植物大多含有丰富的生物碱ꎬ具有较高的                              学技术以及现代药理学技术ꎬ拟探讨以下问题:(1)
            药用价值ꎮ 广西地不容药用部位(块根) 含有丰富                           广西地不容非药用部位甲醇提取物中的化学成分ꎻ
            的生物碱ꎬ具有很好的生物活性ꎬ如镇痛和抗炎作                             (2)所分离得到的部分化合物的抗菌活性ꎮ
            用 ( 罗 昱 澜 等ꎬ 2017 )、 抑 菌 活 性 ( 邓 业 成 等ꎬ
            2006)、杀虫活性(邓业成和徐汉虹ꎬ2005)、抗病毒                       1  材料与方法
            活性(郝静等ꎬ2008)ꎮ 在临床上主要用于镇痛、解

            热(王宪楷和赵同芳ꎬ1990)、镇静( 金国章ꎬ1987)                      1.1 材料、仪器和试剂
            等ꎮ 广西地不容作为广西地方特色药用植物ꎬ其                                 植物材料:广西地不容地上部分于 2019 年 8
            非药用部位(茎、叶)的资源存量巨大ꎬ而对于野生                            月采自广西桂林恭城瑶族自治县ꎬ经广西植物研
            资源日益匮乏的今天ꎬ从非药用部位中寻找可替                              究所黄俞淞副研究员鉴定为广西地不容( Stephania
            代药 用 部 位 中 一 些 有 效 成 分 的 研 究 显 得 尤 其               kwangsiensis) 的 非 药 用 部 位ꎬ 标 本 ( 编 号:
            重要ꎮ                                                20190824)保存于广西植物功能物质与资源持续
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