Page 105 - 《广西植物》2023年第8期
P. 105

8 期            李才慧等: 生物多样性保护背景下云南省野生食用菌产业可持续发展探讨                                          1 4 4 7

                 harmoniously with nature.” Yunnan has extremely rich wild edible fungus resourcesꎬ forming a unique “edible fungus
                 culture.” In order to improve peoples ecological conservation awarenessꎬ to promote the survival and development of wild
                 edible fungus resourcesꎬ and to further promote the development of Yunnans wild edible fungus industryꎬ we investigated
                 the current status of protection and utilization of Yunnans wild edible fungus resources based on the sorting of relevant
                 laws and regulations and policy documents at both the national and local levels through the literature review and
                 questionnaire survey. With the increasing popularity of natural mushroom productsꎬ the production and output value of
                 wild edible fungus have increased significantlyꎬ but the number of wild edible fungus has sharply reducedꎬ and some
                 wild edible fungus populations are in a state of endangered and vulnerable. Weak ecological conservation awarenessꎬ
                 disorderly collectionꎬ and other factors all endanger the survival and development of wild edible fungus resources.
                 Meanwhileꎬ the lack of relevant industry standards also greatly hinders the development of wild edible fungus industry in
                 Yunnan. In view of the above problemsꎬ we propose the following suggestions: (1) To accelerate the special legislation
                 for protection and development of wild edible fungus resourcesꎬ not staying in the current fragmented or confused
                 legislative stateꎬ and not only satisfying local policy protection. (2) To construct a standard system for wild edible fungus
                 collectionꎬ sales ( including international trade)ꎬ processingꎬ transportationꎬ etc.ꎬ accurately protecting wild edible
                 fungusꎬ especially for the collection of nationally protected populationsꎬ a collection license system should be gradually
                 established. (3) To strengthen the technical support for the whole industry chain and to promote the construction of
                 science and technology systemsꎬ such as wild edible fungus germplasm preservationꎬ artificial cultivationꎬ and advanced
                 processing. This study is expected to push forward the further supplement and improvement of the standards for wild
                 mushroom collectionꎬ processing and circulationꎬ and the policies for protection and utilization of resourcesꎬ and provide
                 the support and guarantee for protectionꎬ utilization and sustainable development of wild mushroom industry.
                 Key words: biodiversity conservationꎬ wild edible fungusꎬ industrializationꎬ sustainable developmentꎬ legal regulation

                联合国«生物多样性公约» 第十五次缔约方大                          础ꎬ臧穆等(2005)通过属种、菌类分布等对云南食
            会(COP15)第一阶段会议于 2021 年通过了« 昆明                      用菌生物多样性进行考察并提出保林育菌、合理
            宣言»ꎬ第二阶段会议于 2022 年就« 昆明-蒙特利                        采集的资源保护建议ꎮ 于富强和刘培贵(2005) 通
            尔全球生物多样性框架» 达成一致ꎬ在人类面临多                            过对云南林下野生食用菌资源的调查研究ꎬ提出
            种环境问题的背景下ꎬ强调生物多样性保护与可                              消费需求的增加、生存环境的破坏导致交易的野
            持续发展ꎮ 2023 年中央一号文件强调ꎬ要培育壮                          生食用菌种类和数量逐年下降ꎬ应通过加大投入、
            大食用菌产业ꎬ加快农业农村现代化(中共中央 国                            菌林共生等途径予以保护ꎮ 杨祝良(2002) 提出在
            务院ꎬ2023)ꎮ 作为我国生物多样性最丰富的省份                          开发过程中应防止野生食用菌资源过度采集ꎬ要

            之一ꎬ云南拥有丰富的野生食用菌资源( 陈勋儒ꎬ                            采取有效统一管理ꎬ合理适度采集ꎬ有计划地限制
            2019)ꎬ为了加强野生食用菌生物多样性保护和发                           性开发ꎮ 在产业发展方面ꎬ张琳等(2021) 认为需
            挥云南得天独厚的食用菌资源环境优势促进农业                              要有关部门结合食用菌产业发展特点ꎬ在资金需
            经济发展ꎬ云南省人民政府办公厅 2020 年出台了                          要和金融服务等方面制定促进产业发展的金融服
            «云南省加快食用菌产业发展的指导意见»ꎬ对云                             务体系ꎻ主张云南应建立区域公用食用菌品牌ꎬ并
            南野生食用菌的产业化发展做出规划ꎬ明确要求                              形成多方利益共担共享机制( 张琳等ꎬ2022)ꎮ 刘
            加快食用菌产业转型升级ꎬ提升产品品质、扩大栽                             韵然等(2022)通过对美国拒绝进口和进口预警的
            培规模ꎬ到 2022 年全省食用菌农业产值达 400 亿                       食用菌产品情况进行分析ꎬ指出出口食用菌存在
            元、综合产值达 1 000 亿元( 云南省人民政府办公                        杂质、微生物超标、农药残留超标等问题ꎮ 普秋榕
            厅ꎬ2020)ꎮ                                           和王红漫(2018)则从食品安全监管方面分析云南
                 与此同时ꎬ学界在野生食用菌资源保护和产                           食用菌产业的出口ꎬ指出野生菌安全标准体系不
            业可持续发展研究方面也取得了丰硕成果ꎮ 野生                             完善、生产加工企业食品安全保障能力低、供应链
            食用菌的生物多样性资源保护是产业发展的基                               风险大、溯源难等问题ꎮ 邰丽梅等(2022) 通过分
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