Page 107 - 《广西植物》2023年第8期
P. 107

8 期            李才慧等: 生物多样性保护背景下云南省野生食用菌产业可持续发展探讨                                          1 4 4 9

                                 表 1  «红色名录»濒危、易危的云南野生食用菌种类及其分布
               Table 1  Endangered and vulnerable Yunnan wild edible fungus species and their distribution in the “Red List”
                等级                 种名                    价值           云南分布区域
                Grade             Species                Value        Yunnan distribution area
                濒危              巨孢奇块菌                    食用           永仁等地
              Endangered     Paradoxa gigantospora       Edible       Yongren and other places
                易危              西藏羊肚菌                    食药用          滇西北等地
               Vulnerable      Morchella tibetica   Edible and medicinal  Northwest Yunnan and other places
                                老君山线虫草                   食药用          文山州等地
                           Ophiocordyceps laojunshanensis  Edible and medicinal  Wenshan Prefecture and other places

                                 冬虫夏草                    食药用
                                 O. sinensis        Edible and medicinal  High mountainous areas such as Lijiangꎬ Zhongdian
                                                                      and Deqin
                                 会东块菌                    食用           大理、丽江、会泽等地
                               Tuber huidongense         Edible       Daliꎬ Lijiangꎬ Huize and other places
                                 印度块菌                    食用
                                 T. indicum              Edible       Gongshanꎬ Lijiangꎬ Dongchuanꎬ Chuxiong and
                                                                      other places
                                攀枝花块菌                    食用           曲靖、昭通、会泽、永胜等地
                               T. panzhihuanense         Edible       Qujingꎬ Zhaotongꎬ Huizeꎬ Yongsheng and other places

                                中华夏块菌                    食用           丽江、昭通、楚雄等地
                                T. sinoaestivum          Edible       Lijiangꎬ Zhaotongꎬ Chuxiong and other places
                                橙香牛肝菌                    食用           贡山、维西、永胜等地
                              Boletus citrifragrans      Edible       Gongshanꎬ Vixiꎬ Yongsheng and other places
                                云南鸡油菌                    食用
                            Cantharellus yunnanensis     Edible       Central Yunnanꎬ Southwest Yunnanꎬ Northwest Yunnan
                                                                      and other places
                                  猴头菇                    食药用          滇西北等地
                               Hericium erinaceus   Edible and medicinal  Northwest Yunnan and other places

                                   金耳                    食药用          滇西北等地
                             Naematelia aurantialba  Edible and medicinal  Northwest Yunnan and other places
                                朱细枝瑚菌                    食用           滇中等地
                             Ramaria rubriattenuipes     Edible       Central Yunnan and other places
                                端圆蚁巢伞                    食用           滇中等地
                             Termitomyces tylerianus     Edible       Central Yunnan and other places

                                  干巴菌                    食用           滇南、滇中等地
                              Thelephora ganbajun        Edible       Southern Yunnanꎬ Central Yunnan and other places

                               松口蘑(松茸)                   食药用          滇中、滇西北等地
                              Tricholoma matsutake  Edible and medicinal  Central Yunnanꎬ Northwest Yunnan and other places
                                 庐山石耳                    食药用
                              Umbilicaria esculenta  Edible and medicinal

              注: 本表根据«中国生物多样性红色名录—大型真菌卷»评估报告ꎬ对所列疑似灭绝、极危、濒危、易危、近危的大型子囊菌、大型
              Note: Based on the assessment report of “ Red list of Chinas Biodiversity — Macrofungi”ꎬ this table screens the edible ( food and
            medicinal) macrofungi distributed in Yunnan according to geographic distribution and usage for the three categories of macrofungi listed as
            suspected to be extinctꎬ critically endangeredꎬ endangeredꎬ vulnerableꎬ and near ̄threatenedꎬ namelyꎬ large ascomycetesꎬ large
            tambémomycetesꎬ and lichen ̄type fungi.
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